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As I wrote about constructive anecdotal feedback yesterday and my own experience receiving information that I could be hard to read, I recalled a time early in my career when I attended a training and received a handout with 2 parallel lists. The list on the left was one of possible strengths and the list on the right was one of a weakness that could result from taking the strength too far. Â
Thinking about this idea of paradox and strengths-gone-too-far, I was curious to see if I could quickly find a list similar to the one I had seen years ago. It didn’t take much work to find that this general topic, strengths-gone-too-far, is well documented in literature on leadership. I didn’t find a list, per se, like I recall, but I did find other variations and information that I synthesized into my own list. Â
Note: These are lists of ideas that I culled from other sources. The items are in no particular order.
Strength |
Weakness |
Grasp of details |
Micromanaging |
High standards |
Perfectionism |
Relationship-builder |
Avoids conflict, fails to hold people accountable |
Results-oriented |
Domineering and demanding |
Strategic thinker |
Good ideas/poor execution |
Decisive |
Controlling/non-collaborative |
Confident or Assertive |
Arrogant |
Persistence |
Stubbornness |
Loyalty |
Favoritism |
Patience |
Inaction |
Curiousity |
Indecisiveness |
Taking Initiative |
Ignoring Boundaries |
One particularly thorough guide I came across is the Strengths Cross-Reference Guide from Clifton Strengths-Finder.
The main two articles that informed this list are:
Leadership Strengths are Weaknesses When Taken Too FarÂ
When Strengths Turn In To Weaknesses
Even from this short list, I can see myself in at least 4 of these items. I can use these ideas to prompt further self-assessment and to actively solicit feedback by asking some of my co-workers how they see me on the 4 areas I’m thinking about. I sense some personal action planning for the next school year coming on.Â
This is very helpful. I see myself quite clearly in at least 3 of these.. As I reflect I can see where I may have let them creep in the past and impacted my effectiveness as a leader. As leaders relationships are important and you want people to like you and the nature of the position puts you in a position where you have to make some difficult decisions that might not always be popular. This I know has led me to not hold people accountable when perhaps I should have in order to preserve the relationships. I try to live by “Soft on the person and hard on the problem.”