100 Posts in 100 Days

These Brazilian Besties are Inventing an mRNA Vaccine as a Gift to the World (Article)
Two friends working on something they love that will make a difference in the world. So much heart, smarts, and leadership in this article. It seemed like something worth sharing.

Finding Muchness (Book)
This gift book is so good I bought it as a gift for me! The text is simple, the message hopeful (one of my core values!), and the illustrations joyful. From the publisher’s website, “It’s an encouraging invitation to live bravely, care deeply, and get the most out of every one of your moments.”
Habit Tracker from Stephanie Affinito (Tool)
Dr. Stephanie Affinito, the founder of A Lit Life, has been working on tracking her writing and created this habit tracker. It’s great because all you have to do is print, list the habits you want to keep track of, and shade or check each day you complete the habit. Here is the link to the post where she shares her inspiration for this tool (and more!).

from Teachers as Facilitators, p 75
I shared this book in the last edition and have finished reading it since then. Referring to facilitator skills and mindsets, Garmston and McKanders shared this quote from Aikido master Thomas Crum:
“Being willing to change allows you to move from a point of view to a viewing point.”
It was in reference to the idea that no matter how good your agenda is, it is not you. Only you can make adjustments that will benefit the group.

Name Coach (Electronic Tool)
A colleague in the US who is a Head of School sent an email to a group we are both in. Under her signature was a name badge to click and hear her say her own name. Brilliant! I followed her lead and created my own name badge. It can be added to email, social media, and all kinds of other digital tools. I can think of hundreds of ways students, teachers, parents, and organizations would use something like this. I ♥️ this!
I have had “likes”, comments, new connection requests, and in person conversations in response to some of my recent posts. I am learning that there are more readers than I knew of. I have felt very touched and a sense of gratitude each time I’ve learned that what I wrote mattered to someone. Thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing my habit tracker! I hope it’s helpful!