The Pulse # 10

August 16, 2022

It’s time for “The Pulse”, a collection of things that I have found interesting lately and that are keeping me going.  It’s a short one this week as we officially launched the new school year with students back on campus!   

Red text are clickable links.  Check them out!

The Swimmers (Book)

My school book club has chosen The Swimmers as our first book of this year.  I am listening on audible and only part way through.  I’m not quite sure if I should call it a metaphor, an allegory, a tale, or something else.  Either way,  I’m intrigued and enjoying the story, which is helping my daily move goal and making the dogs happy since it extended my weekend walks.  I’m looking forward to next week to talk about this book with my fellow readers/listeners!  

Talented Colleagues I Get to Call “My Team”

A shout out to the members of our Teaching and Learning team for a productive 2 day retreat last week.  After 2 weeks of providing training for our faculty, it was wonderful to spend some time reconnecting, reflecting on our team and our dynamics, reviewing student data, and planning for the year ahead.  Spending these days working together was invaluable. Time can be a precious resource and I’m grateful we used it in this way. (The dogs kept us on track.)

Flying Wish Paper (Fun Product)

We finished our retreat writing down our wishes for the year and then sending them into the universe with this Flying Wish Paper (demo video at the website).  I found this in a gift shop a couple of years ago and have been saving it for the right moment.  It was a fun way to conclude our days working together.  It would make a great gift, too.